The Art of Teaching Generosity to Kids

Generosity refers to the quality of being kind. While a few kids may naturally exhibit compassion, kindness, and goodwill, kids on average tend to be possessive of their things as well as they might feel hurt at times when asked to show generosity. Parents have a significant role to play when it comes to inculcating the habit of being generous to their kids. Here are a few tips for you to set off the process.
1. Teach by Example
It is quite natural for your kid to feel confused when it comes to giving, rather than receiving. They might observe people asking for money or food on the streets; while some might look homeless, others are elderly, or handicapped, or impoverished. Such sights are so common that not only the kids, we might ourselves feel puzzled and powerless as to who to help and how.
What is, however, important to understand is that our confusion should not restrain us from taking a step, no matter how small. You should encourage your kid also to help others and let them know that they have made a difference.
Moreover, show your kid that it is not only by donating money that they can help others. They can share food, toys, clothes, books, and even compliments and good wishes!
And the key to doing so seamlessly is that:-
- You need to do generous things to make your kid do generous things.
- You need to demonstrate feelings of happiness so as to make them feel happy after being generous.
2. Label Their Jars
Once your kid has started to learn that even their minor contributions to the well-being of other people are worthwhile, let them know that they need not spend all their savings on such efforts. Yes, that’s right! It is because little kids cannot be expected to grow this much benevolent and generous. It is otherwise likely to make them lose interest in no time.
Here is what you can do to keep your kid’s interest in generosity until they have become generous by nature:-
- Give them 3 jars and label them: Save, Spend, and Give.
- The kid can save money in the “Save” jar for future purposes.
- The kid can spend money from the “Spend” jar for current wants.
- And the kid can donate money from the “Give” jar without reserve.
This technique would help them learn how to manage money. In addition, generosity will become an important part of their plans.
3. Be Generous to Them
To make your kid generous, you need to show generosity to your kid as well. This will surely serve as a motivating factor to them and let them know that they are doing something very good.
- Appreciate them when they keep their old toys and books carefully aside for charity.
- Praise them when your kid compliments someone or helps an elderly person with something.
- Also, you should remember to appreciate them when they share their food with siblings or friends.
Appreciation can do wonders when it comes to teaching something to your kid. Make full use of it.
However, bear in mind that they should not exhibit generosity for the sake of appreciation. For the long term, it is better that you entwine sincerity with generosity in your kid. Caution them when they are doing things only for appreciation or praise.
4. Keep It All Real
It is a good thing if you try to involve your kid with charities you are associated with. However, you need to keep it all age-appropriate.
For instance, the little kid might not understand what the Red Cross does. But they can definitely understand the purpose behind animal shelters if your kid loves animals. The blankets or the animal food that they would donate are then more likely to make sense to them.
It might also be that your kid tends to be generous to all those they meet on the streets. Therefore, discretion forms a significant portion of generosity. Help your kid understand that not all people can be believed and not all people need help as much as others do.
Generosity is, after all, not ignorance, but sincerity in thoughts and discretion in actions!