Best Diwali Art & Crafts for Preschool Kids

Diwali is called the Festival of Lights and is one of the most celebrated festivals in India. It is celebrated by everyone in their own way but there are basic themes that go into every household; Love, Lights, Celebration, Family and Divinity. People in every nook and cranny of the country welcome the festival with joy and pompous gestures and lots of Diwali activities.
This festival is a celebration of five days; on the third day of the occasion, the rituals of the Diwali festival take place. The lighting of Diyas and candles all around the house, worshipping the Laxmi Ganesha to summon health and wealth and bursting crackers are the chief rituals of the festival.
As young parents, it is our duty to tell our children about each and every festival and one of them is Diwali. To let them know the significance of Diwali, here are some Diwali activities that might help you.
Diwali Activities for Preschool Kids
Art & Craft helps the little kids understand everything with ease and joy. For parents to help their children engage in Diwali festivities, here are some of the best Diwali art & crafts for preschool kids.
To Make Bangle Diyas all you need is:
- Bangles
- Fevicol
- A cardboard base
- Rhinestones
Start with colouring a cardboard base in which we will stick all the bangles. Stick the Bangles one by one over each other until you wish. You can stick 4-5 bangles over each other. It could be a different coloured or one set of the same colour. Then paste the rhinestones for decorating the border. And now you can put the candle or diya inside the bangle diya.
Materials that you need:
- Large coloured sheet ( any light colour)
- Coloured tape
- Sketch pens
- Popsicle Sticks
- Fevicol
- Scissors
Glue four popsicle sticks together to make 4 squares for the sides of the lantern. Cut 4 coloured sheets of the same size as the popsicle stick square. Paste the sheets on it. You can colour or draw your favourite festive pattern on the sheets before pasting. Decorate the way you like and put an led bulb inside it. Your paper lantern is ready!
To prepare the Salt dough Candle Holder all you need is
- 1 Cup Water
- 2 Cups Flour
- 2 Cups Salt
- Paint and paintbrush for decoration
To prepare the dough mix all the 3 ingredients together. Mould the dough into the desired shape. Let it dry. Now colour it your way. Wasn’t it simple?
To make goddess Laxmi’s footprint you just need:
- Red paint
Dissolve red paint in water and make a semi-thick paste in a bowl. Now make a fist and dump your fist in the bowl. Imprint the fist on the paper or directly on the floor of the puja room and make fingers across it. Your footprint is ready!
Trying these Diwali activities while telling the preschool kids about the significance of the festival will make them enjoy Diwali with fun and excitement. Wishing you a very happy and prosperous Diwali!