How to Have Shopping Fun with Kids?

Kids are on a break right now. Summer holidays are on. Wouldn’t you love to go out with them? May be, a vacation is not planned due to other functionalities and family engagements. Can we still have fun with the kids! Sure, We can. Let us know, how?

Child’s learning is generally at a halt during summer holidays. The books are shelved and take a backseat. Fair enough. The entire summer holidays are waited for all the year round and the kid does not really want to be book absorbed in the holidays too. We, as parents, still can ensure that they learn while the holidays are on. Have you ever thought of going out for the grocery shopping with kids? No! Not because they shall only accompany you. Make them learn while they are at shopping with you. We are going to list in here some of the ways in which their involvement in your shopping can be fun and learning experience both at one time.

Read on…

  • While you shop grocery, ask them to calculate the total amount of things kept in the shopping trolley. This way they will learn how to calculate quickly.
  • When you are out on an apparel shopping, tell them how to choose the best fit t-shirts on the basis of different sizes available.
  • While buying food and staples, tell them to observe and teach them how to check the date of expiry mentioned on the food products.
  • Ask them that how much currency will the cashier return after deducting the amount for purchases made.
  • While buying fruits and vegetables, let them calculate the weight and make them help you carry/choose fresh fruits and vegetables and put them in a basket.
  • Let them be a steers of your shopping trolley. Children love to own and steer such trolleys on their own.
  • In case the child wants to look at things placed on a higher shelf, make them sit on the children’s rack of the trolley so that they can easily see everything in the store.
  • Ask them to spell and pronounce words such as Kellogg’s Cornflakes, Tropicana Juice, Kissan tomato ketchup and so on.
  • Let them have a look at, try and choose their own clothes, accessories and toys.
  • Let them freely interact with the co-shoppers in the store and the executives at the billing desks.
  • Instill in them a feeling to help others like the old aged and too little kids if they are in a problem at the shopping premises or a superstore.
  • Keep telling the child about walking carefully. Tell them what’s the role of safety equipments like first-aid kit and fire extinguishers seen at the superstores.


What not to do at shopping?

  • Never resort to kid’s demand if at you feel that the purchase is wasteful and not required at that point of time.
  • Do not refrain from telling the reason to your child as to why do you/ don’t you make a particular purchase for him.
  • Never scold them or talk bitterly otherwise they would never want to be a part of your shopping day the next time.
  • Let them know the budget of spending money on a particular thing and do not allow them to exceed that budget so that they know how to prioritize things and initiate savings



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