Top 10 Life skills education in schools

A child always needs a guidance on how to differentiate between right and wrong. Parents are often seen guiding the child to respond according to the situation. But the important part is ‘Do parents prepare the child for everything they are to face in future?’ No! No parent can actually do that. Therefore, it is important that the value of life skill development should be inculcated in a child so that they can take informed decisions confidently. There are numerous life skills which are learnt at every stage of life. There is a different set of life skills for kids which are important to be taught during early education years. In this write up, we shall concentrate on Top 10 important life skills for kids who are attending their kindergarten, Preschool, play way or a nursery class. We might not use a heavy word like life skills as these little ones are too small to understand the real meaning and intention behind this. Let’s call these skills the ‘FEEL GOOD HABITS’ so that a child can relate to the life skills in the form of developing habits which will enhance the feel good factor while leading a positive life.
1. Respect for self
A little child does not know the importance for self respect nor do they know the clear meaning of it. You should tell them that they must ensure that someone doesn’t overpower or say demeaning words in any situation.
2. Respect for Others
With self respect, respect for others is also important. A child must be taught that they must respect other’s decision and speech and try to have an ear to listen to and analyse the situation.
3. Timeliness
A famous proverb ‘A stitch in time saves nine’ should be taught in a way so that a child knows the importance of doing everything and being everywhere on time.
4. Tidiness
Cleanliness of your own body and the surroundings is important. Meaning of keeping the vicinity clean and tidy should be inculcated so that the child learns how to manage and keep safe their things at a designated place.
5. Faith in God
Even if you think that you do not want to teach your child that god exists, you at least have to tell them that every good or bad they do in being watched. This instill a sense of differentiating between right doings and wrong doings.
6. Optimism
Being positive about leading ones life is important. Adults get depressed very easily owing to tough situations. Always let your kid know that if they learn to keep happy and satisfied in every situation, they shall find new avenues coming up every now and then.
7. Self-belief
It is important that the child learns to be confident and believes in whatever they do. They should never be criticized. They should be taught how could they be correct instead of to what extent they are wrong.
8. Language and Conduct
Language signifies character of a person. A child should be groomed so that they conduct them gracefully and refrain from using any foul or rude language.
9. Mannerism
Body language and mannerism is an important part of life skills for kids. Respecting elders, eating habits, table manners are some of the key skills important for kids.
10. Prioritizing things
Children should be taught the meaning of urgency and things which can be postponed. It should be clarified that an individual cannot take care of all the tasks all by themselves. They should know how to seek help and manage things.